Archive | November 2017

Holiday gift certificates available!

Consider the gift of FITNESS while you’re doing holiday shopping!  For the rest of the year, you can buy a $100 gift certificate to Total Balance Fitness for only $30.  Maybe it’s for that friend who’s often saying, “One of these days, I’ll get in shape.”  Maybe it’s for you, because you want to step your workouts up a bit.  Whoever it’s for, this is a limited time and limited availability offer, so buy now before they are gone!  Also, if you are a current client, you can’t buy this for yourself.  Instead, give it to a friend and invite them to come with you!


The gift certificate can be used for either:  three 30-min personal training sessions, two 45-min personal training sessions, OR four small group training sessions.

Click here to buy online now.  Then I’ll mail you a cute certificate.  Thanks!!



Biggest Loser Jenna!

The Scare Off the Pounds Fitness Challenge, Oct. 1-28, 2017, included 19 hard working contestants and almost unbelievable results from several.

IMG-1789Jenna (left) achieved the title of Biggest Loser with a loss of 12 pounds, 6 inches (from waist, chest, and hips), and a reduction in body composition of 4.3%.  She really nailed it!  Awesome work, girl, I’m SOOOO proud of you!

Amy (right) achieved the title of Biggest Winner with her fabulously high point total of 381.  A perfect score would have been 388.  Wow, that’s hard work!

Points are given for a comprehensive list of healthy lifestyle activities.  If all these are achieved, weight loss is almost inevitable.  Categories that participants tally points in include:  amount of time exercising, daily plank, water intake, servings of healthy fats + proteins + non-starchy vegetables, omitting alcohol + junk food, moderation of carbs, reciting a personal mantra, setting + completing a personal goal, getting enough sleep, talking about goals/successes/failures/attempts, and bonus challenges like trying a new exercise or inviting a friend to exercise with you.

More super high achievers:

Mary won Second Place Big Loser with 3.5″ lost from waist/chest/hips, 5 pounds lost, and a 3% lower body composition.  Way to go, Mary!

Frances lost 7.2 pounds, 1.5″ from waist/chest/hips, and a 2.7% lower body composition.  Wow, Frances!

Jessie lost 4″ from waist/chest/hips, 4.4 pounds, and 1.9% lower body composition. Awesome, Jessie!

Katherine lost 2″ from waist/chest/hips, gained 7.5 pounds muscle (and lost that much fat!), and a 3.3% lower body composition.  Nice job, Katherine!

Kyle lost 4″ from waist + hips and a 2.9% lower body composition.  That means, like Katherine, he replaced fat with muscle.  Go Kyle!

Kristin lost 3.5″ from waist/chest/hips, lost 4.6 pounds, and has  a lower body composition by 1.6%.  Impressive, Kristin!

Suzi lost 2.5″ from waist/chest/hips, lost 2 pounds, and lowered body composition by 2.4%.  So cool, Suzi!

Those were the best stats;  congrats to all participants and thanks for your hard work and commitment!!

IMG-1780We enjoyed a celebratory lunch together at French Meadow Cafe, a great place with lots of healthful food options.  Yum!

Some anonymous feedback from the challengers:

“This was a great start to getting myself back to a place I can run again and are eating healthier. I typically do ok but gave up more carbs which was really effective.”

“Removing alcohol and junk food was the biggest adjustment and it was a great reminder of how much better I feel without those things.”

“My goal was to change my routine and get out of my rut of unhealthy habits. I achieved that, and learned a lot of great new ways to workout in the gym!”

Want in on the fun?  Join us February 2018 for Lose Your Love Handles!