Archive | September 2016

Coming up: Scare Off the Pounds

Want to tone up, shed pounds, and build some new healthy habits? Join total Balance Fitness October 9-November 5 in a 28-day fitness challenge.  Participants track points for eating well, exercising, and other healthful habits.  It’s $25 to participate and prizes include $100 cash and 4 personal training sessions.  MORE INFO HERE!

Weigh ins start October 3, so contact me to schedule yours and get started scaring off those pounds!

Click here to read about a previous challenge and the winners.

Cow Pool: bulk purchase of Grass Fed Beef

Hey carnivores, ready to stock up on 100% grass fed beef, locally grown, with a bulk discount? I’m organizing a group to buy an entire steer. Buy an 1/8th or a 1/4 animal and be ready for hearty, healthy meat all winter. Grass Fed Cattle Co. – join my cow pool!Unknown.jpeg

You may have heard of the benefits of 100% Grass Fed Beef:  less saturated fat + calories and more omega-3 fatty acids (the good fats that we need more of).  It still is high in protein and iron like other beef.  The meat that Grass Fed Cattle Co sells meets organic standards (no hormones/antibiotics, pesticide-free diet).  It’s all locally grown and processed.  I can’t say enough good things about The Grass Fed Cattle Company and I highly recommend them and their beef.  It does take cash upfront and freezer space to purchase 1/8 or 1/4 of an animal all at once but note that if we buy as a group it is discounted from the regular price.

Here’s the link to purchase as part of my “cow pool”:Amanda Cole’s Cow Pool

Our deadline is October 4 so hurry and get your orders in soon!

Yoga Booty Boot Camp OUTSIDE!

We are moving outside for fall: Saturdays 10-11am, September 17- October 15 at Linwood Park, 860 St. Clair Ave., St. Paul, MN. If weather is bad we’ll meet at Anytime Fitness, 1059 Grand Ave.
The group workout consists of a yoga warm up, a strength + cardio circuit, then a toning + stretching cool down.  It’s been meeting for a year and I’m excited about enjoying the beautiful fall weather.  We worked out at this location two weeks ago and it was fabulous!  Try it out and get your first class free! photo

(This photo from a different park workout several years ago, but it still represents the kinds of things we’ll do.)

Also, conveniently, it’s National Yoga Month for September.  Hooray!